To us, consulting is just another word to describe transmission of experience & expertise through a genuine and professional Practioners’ approach Killing complexity & deriving simplicity ANZ Bengaluru's Learning Fest 2023, our offering FinnovateQ was launched on 19th Jan 2023 | FinnovateQ – Launch of new offering for Learning with Fun News & Events : H onest & Open advisory C onfidence in execution S olution orientation F lexibility in engagement C ollaboration in action B est Practices in adoption I nnovation in mind-set P ractical in approach What we bring to the Table ANZ Bengaluru's Learning Fest 2023, our offering FinnovateQ was launched on 19th Jan 2023 | FinnovateQ – Launch of new offering for Learning with Fun News & Events : Relate underlying business, strategy and operational details in engagements Provide Thought Leadership, derive mind-share and bring in accelerated solutions embedded with futuristic outlook / vision Advise, guide and execute from initial Thought Process to end Roll-out of projects and programmes Think, Build & Operate appropriate Competency Enrichment & Training programmes What we bring to the Table ANZ Bengaluru's Learning Fest 2023, our offering FinnovateQ was launched on 19th Jan 2023 | FinnovateQ – Launch of new offering for Learning with Fun News & Events : What makes us unique is our ability to This means: Think Big, Act Big and Perform Big while being small and lean. Absolute ease of doing business through open and honest direct communication Benefit of rich experience and expertise made available at just a tap Extremely cost-effective for deriving real value-additions Deriving much more for much less News & Events : ANZ Bengaluru's Learning Fest 2023, our offering FinnovateQ was launched on 19th Jan 2023 | FinnovateQ – Launch of new offering for Learning with Fun

Looking for seasoned Practioners with Banking, IT & BPS hybrid experience?

Why our Consulting ?

Hands-on experienced team with superior level of practical knowledge backed up with ability to relate to underlying business, operations and objectives of the organization.

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Experience & Expertise

You are assured of both experience and expertise being brought to the table. R. Krishnan (RKrish) as the principal pivot is associated with an experienced team of Banking, IT and Process practioners who can be drawn into assignments on a need and fit-for-purpose basis.

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Doing the right thing,
at the right time.


Consultative Selling


Consulting Assignments


Training Programmes


Seminars and Round Tables

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